Whirlpool of Depravity


Untitled - 2003-11-09 20:44:00

November 09, 2003 at 08:44 PM | categories: Uncategorized

So, I went shopping today.


Wallace helped me go shopping, as I have no car of my own. Ironically, we ended up going somewhere that was walking difference from my home.

Anyway, payment issues aside, I ended up buying basicaly a new wardrobe, for the first time since ... high school, I suppose.

I'm amazed at how in touch I am with my feminine side; I really had fun shopping. I got plenty of nice clothes for my new job. Nice looking business casual-style clothing. Slacks, great shirts with dragons and dragon-based patterns on them.

Also, a few nice stark colors to bring respectability and officiality into the image. With the lost weight, and new clothes, I am that much closer to being 'no longer an eyesore'. Aces me!

I had to ask my mom for permission to hold up on handing over the wisdom tooth extraction money I owed her for the month and instead diverted to: the wardrobe.

But, hey I can feel good about myself wearing these clothes now. And the new job that I'm wearing them too.

Oh, yeah.

Also, I bought a rain-charm to prevent it from raining. It's called an 'umbrella', but I've found if you spend 20 on one, and carry it around, it will never rain when you're outside. Quite handy.