Ukyo: Good evening members of the FFML, I've been asked to read this statement by the author of Purple Haired Destiny, as he is ah... (she glances back at the tornado) currently unable to do so himself. Ukyo: Ahem, 'I know this comes at a bad time, after Lurker's announcement that he was putting 'Faux Existence' on hold, and I know that I had promised to have PHD 3 out this week, but life's been really hectic and it's been delayed...' Ukyo:'But fear not! It is not being delayed for any length of time, I'm still working on it, just not as fast as I thought I was going to be. And it's going to be a *heck* of a big chapter... I'm already 25 pages into it, and no where close to done. Anyway, thank you to all of you who volunteered to be pre-readers, I have your names on file, and will contact you as soon as I have a bit more done.' Ukyo:Well folks, there you have it... Ukyo: Shampoo! What are you doing here? Shampoo: I have no idea, actually... I just came to see what all the fuss was, and why PHD 3 was being delayed so long. I mean, really, Ryan promised he'd write me as the main character in this story, but he's just not writing fast enough... I want to hurry up and get to the good parts! Ukyo: Shampoo? Is that really you? Shampoo: Of course its me, silly, who else in this story has purple hair? Ukyo: But... your speech! You just spoke in perfect Japanese! Shampoo: Of course! What, you think I talk like that all the time? The author is too busy to bother messing up my speech right now. Ukyo: But.. I mean... Your speech *has* been improving... it was pretty bad in PHD 1, and a bit better in PHD 2, but now its perfect! How is that possible! Shampoo: Dunno... I image it will either be explained in PHD 3 or I'll still be speaking funny again... You know, a lot of my fans think my speech is cute... Ukyo: Yeah... sssssuuuurrrrreee.... Shampoo: So, wasn't this suppose to be a teaser of some sort? I mean, we haven't even mentioned the title of the fic yet. Ukyo: I know, this is sure a weird way to get people to read a fic... but then you're this Ryan guy's favorite character, so who knows how messed up he is? Shampoo: Hey! No cheap shots at the author while he's away, who knows what he'd do to your character if he found out? Ukyo: hmm... true, true... Shampoo: So... who do you think is going to get Ranma? Ukyo: Ah... Who knows? I mean, the story is about you, right? And Ranma seems to have really warmed up to you... Shampoo: True... but he still hasn't forgiven me yet, I can tell... and he forgave you so easily! Shampoo: It's just so unfair! I never get Ranma! Ukyo: Aww... I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure you'll get him in this one. And who knows? Maybe it'll start a trend... Shampoo: You're just saying that... I mean, you actually do get him in a few fics... Ukyo: Yeah, right, like one in every ten- million... hey, at least we're pretty much assured that Akane's not going to get him in this fic! Shampoo: Yeah! Thank the Kami! I'd rather _Kodachi_ get him than Akane... Ukyo: At least with the Kuno's he'd just need to build up an immunity to poisons! Ukyo: Hey Shampoo, does this seem weird to you? The two of us just sitting here, talking like we're the best of friends or something? Shampoo: You... (old habits die hard) You're right! I mean, we weren't exactly at each other's throats at the end of PHD 2, but we weren't exactly close either! What do you suppose it means? Ukyo: Well, this is a teaser... --- COMING TO AN FFML NEAR YOU: Purple Haired Destiny Chapter 3: Of Misguided Quests and Misguided Souls!! I'm working on it! Really!! Ryan