Ukyo: Gosh Ranchan, It sure is a beautiful day, huh? Shampoo: It sure is. Maybe we'll finally be able to get on with our lives, you think Ranma? Ranma-chan: Boy, it sure would be nice after all we've been through... the last few weeks have been so hectic! What with getting kicked out of the Tendos, then my own mom trying to kill me... Ranma-chan: Still, there's something wrong here, and I just can't seem to place it... Like, why am I in girl form? Ukyo: Ya know, that *is* kinda weird... what's going on here? This is the teaser for "three hearts on the road" right? The third chapter of Purple Haired Destiny? Shampoo:Yeah, is strange... Wasn't that Mousse in lake? Shampoo thought he go back to china with great-grandmoth... er.. Cologne. Ranma-chan:But that's not all... for instance, why is this teaser in script form? Everyone knows Ryan only writes in story format! Ukyo: Something is fishy here.... Shampoo: I have bad feeling about this Ranma... Ukyo: yeah, wasn't the story called "Three Hearts on the road?" Wasn't this suppose to be the episode where we get out of the Nerima nut house once and for all? Ranma-chan : Um, you know... Both the other chapters have had *really* bad things happen to all of us, you don't think... Shampoo: No! He wouldn't! Shampoo thought things suppose to get *better* after last chapter! Ukyo : uh, hey... did anyone else notice that those roses along the side of the path are _black_. Ranma-chan: Oh boy.... *** Purple Haired Destiny chapter 3! Of Misguided Quests and Misguided Souls, coming soon to an FFML near you! Ranma-chan: Dammit, doesn't this guy *ever* write nice, happy stories?!? Ukyo: I... I guess not... *** Well, there you have it... PHD 3 will be out as soon as I can finish getting it typed! And yes, it now has a new name, "three hearts on the road" has been bumped back to be the title of chapter 4. (that's right, its not going to be anywhere near done by this next chapter, but this next one will probably be one of the biggest chapters) Look for it soon! And if you are interested in getting copies of the first two chapters, email me, or check my new web page at Also, if anyone out there is interested in being a pre- reader, please let me know! Ryan . . . . Ryan: Ah.. Shampoo! What a pleasant surprise... Shampoo :Ryan *promise* Shampoo that she finally get Ranma in this story! Why Ukyo holding hands with Ranma! Ryan : Um...hey now... its not like that... really... besides, the fic is called "Purple Haired Destiny", not "Shampoo gets Ranma", right? ^-^;;;